The institute aims to achieve a set of important strategic goals, learn about them here

Speech by the Chairman of the Institute’s Board of Directors
There are clear indicators that confirm that the future belongs to creative minds... meaning that excellence and creativity are a binding condition for everyone who wants to participate in creating the future.
Distinguished minds are those that are subject to a well-studied methodology at the hands of experts with specialization and experience in creating creative minds.
If a person is talented in the field of art and formation, this means, in the language of specialists, that his ability to imagine and innovate may overpower his ability to memorize and repeat, and this is what the curricula of the Higher Institute of Applied Arts take into account by presenting a scientific methodology that develops the student’s innovative imaginative ability with the aim of putting him on the path. Which makes him a constructive, conscious personality who excels in his specialty, and it is an interesting, interactive methodology far from indoctrination that is unique to the institute to produce a designer capable of creativity in the field of design and fine art in order to fill the void in the local market and add a cultural and aesthetic touch to society.
Prof. Dr. Mustafa Hussein Kamal
Chairman of the Institute's Board of Directors
About us

An introductory overview of the Higher Institute of Applied Arts
The Higher Institute of Applied Arts in 6th of October City is a private higher institute affiliated with the Cultural Services Association for the Care of Arts, which is famous under No. 1173 of 1994 and is subject to the supervision of the Ministry of Higher Education. The Institute was established by Ministerial Resolution No. 1448 of 1994. The Institute grants a bachelor’s degree in applied arts and the equivalent from the Supreme Council of Universities to the bachelor’s degree awarded by Egyptian universities. The Institute’s management has taken the initiative to sign several agreements in the field of scientific cooperation, joint research, and graduate studies with a number of highly reputable universities.
Departments and fields of study
Study at the institute includes several fields and departments
Whatever department or field of applied arts you wish to join, we will provide you with an outstanding study experience.

Interior decoration and architecture
He is interested in studying methods for solving design and technological problems of interior design and furniture ….

Graphic and advertising arts
He is interested in studying the disciplines of graphics, advertising arts, and modern visual arts techniques using….

Industrial design
He is interested in studying industrial design in its various design and technological fields and specializations to create innovation….

He is interested in studying fashion arts in the fields of fashion design and its accessories, weaving and textile printing….


quality of education

Teaching experts

International partnerships
News and posts
We share with our audience everything that is useful and new in our fields of study and related to the fields of applied arts